
Summer Steelhead and smoke on the Trinity River

Well it is about that time the summer and fall run steelhead of the Trinity River should be making their presence known. Unfortunately the only thing around in abundance at the moment is SMOKE! There are still a few god size fires in the big bar area up in the hills which is creating thick smoke from Del Loma to Weaverville. The smoke down in the Hoopa valley is not nearly as bad and on some days when the breeze blows in from the off the coast the smoke is non-existent. 
Here is a photo of my friend Will laying out some line in a prime tailout. You can kind of see how thick the smoke is here in the mid river.

Now to the fishing. At the moment, I would say that we are in between pushes of fish.  The big push of wild sumer run fish that came in a few weeks ago seem to have spread out and probably moved into the cooler tributaries. There are a few hatchery fish being caught but they have been spread throughout the length of the river. We should see a few good pushes of fish in the next few weeks and fishing should pick up in the beginning of September. Remember, late September thru October are prime months of the Trinity for fishing floating lines and dry/wet flies. Book your trips soon, as these dates will fill up fast. Go for the grab!

Jason Hartwick