
Smith River Regulations to change March 1, 2010

I just saw this on Rich Zellman's blog and thought it would be good to post. It's about time they stop allowing people to kill wild steelhead on the Smith. A step in the right direction.

2010 Smith River regulation updates:
Below are freshwater sportfishing regulation changes for the Smith River that will become effective on March 1, 2010.

1. A North Coast Salmon Report Card will be required for the Klamath, Trinity as well as the Smith River.

2. No retention of wild trout or steelhead on the Smith River.

3. The daily bag limit will be 2 hatchery trout or hatchery steelhead with no more than 4 hatchery trout or hatchery steelhead in possession.

4. 1 Chinook salmon and no more than 5 wild Chinook salmon per year.


bassin' said...

What's the limit on morons, and do i need a report card?

Apocalypse Now, Steelhead said...

Are these regulation changes permanent? I looked on CDFGs website and found no reference to CnR regs on the smith, is there somewhere that this information can be found online?

Smith River Fisher said...

http://www.dfg.ca.gov/regulations/ then click on the 2010 regs. These regs are as permanent as the F&G Commission wants them to be. The local advisory board said there was a lot of local support for catch and release.

Hopefully I'm done hearing this... "I only killed this wild fish cuz I won't be able to next week."